If you are not happy about an item, you may arrange to return it to us for a refund or exchange. Returns will be accepted only if the item is in the original condition. Please use your order or proof of payment as reference Returns must be done within 48 hours of receipt. We will not accept used items or products even if it is within stipulated hours of our return policy; we reserve the right to determine the condition of the product or items. Once we receive and accept the returned product, your refund will be processed through your original method of payment within 5 - 7 working days depending on your bank in the case of electronic payments.
Email us at info@vgdconsulting.co.za or call us on +27 66 241 3526 to arrange for your return Securely pack your return parcel Depending on your choice of the collection - please take your parcel to the Post Office (Speed Service counter) or the Courier will collect directly from you on an agreed date and time.